The Best Resources & People to Follow on Content Strategy, Content Marketing, and Freelance Writing

Content strategy, content marketing, content design, writing and editing…

These are all highly sought-after skills — especially if you’re a freelancer available for hire.

They’re also skills that must constantly adapt in a rapidly changing landscape (ChatGPT, anyone?).

As freelance content experts, it can be overwhelming to provide our services AND learn and grow to boot.

Fortunately, there are really smart minds out there sharing articles, newsletters, live streams, and courses for content folks like us.

This article outlines the people to follow in the content space. It also includes my perennially bookmarked articles on content strategy, content marketing, and/or content creation.


This article was previously an edition of my weekly newsletter on all things content strategy. You can subscribe here.

Content experts I follow

⭐️️ Amy Suto is a digital nomad and freelance writer who shares resources about building a freelance, content-driven business. 

Here’s one of her latest newsletter issues.

⭐️️ Brian Smart is a content marketing strategist and self-proclaimed dadpreneur.

He recently posted a piece about how to write a winning content strategy in 7 simple steps. He also runs a LinkedIn Group about strategically creating content.

⭐️️ Erin Balsa helps B2B SaaS companies build and execute content marketing strategies. She shares lots of resources for free on LinkedIn and in her newsletter

She also offers this playbook for building research reports.

⭐️️ Kate Cooper is the founder of Language Arts, a content and communications consultancy.

She has a brilliantly simple newsletter, Friday Five, with five links to interesting things in the content space.

⭐️️ Mandy Ellis is a freelance content strategist and writer with lots of resources for freelancers with their own content businesses. 

She has a free pricing guide and a weekly live stream with plenty of tactical tips. 

⭐️️ Rae Lambert writes the long-form monthly newsletter Inside Olivine. It provides insights on product marketing and content strategy in the B2B SaaS world. 

Her latest issue dove deep into AI tools for product messaging

⭐️️ Sarah Greesonbach is a freelance writer who, a few years ago, launched the B2B Writing Institute for other freelancers building a career in B2B writing.

She regularly hosts free virtual events on topics like ethical sales, cold pitching, and ghostwriting.

⭐️️ Tracey Wallace writes Contentment, a weekly newsletter about producing scalable content that doesn’t burn you out. 

Her latest newsletter issue covered how to scale content production without sacrificing quality. You can find the full archives here.

My Bookmarked Content Resources

In addition to regular updates from the above list, I return to these evergreen resources again and again. 

my FREE content strategy course

I’d be remiss not to mention my email course as a helpful resource.

I built it to show you the step-by-step process for building a content strategy — in just 7 emails over 7 days.

It’s all based on my years of experience using the framework in my own strategy work with clients.

The crowd-sourced list of content experts and resources to follow

Unlike the above resources, I’ve kept my commentary out of these recommendations. That’s because this is a group-curated list and, while I’ve vetted everyone in here, I’m not as familiar with the resources they provide… yet! 

A big thanks to my newsletter subscribers and peers in the content world for sharing these recommendations.

Just like you, I can’t wait to follow these smart minds in the content space. 

⭐️️ Adam Enfroy on building a profitable blogging business

⭐️️ Alex Birkett on the intersection of SEO and content

⭐️️ Andy Crestodina: Author of the book Content Chemistry ️

⭐️️ Benji Hyam on content marketing for startups

⭐️️ BrainTraffic’s blog on content strategy

⭐️️ Erica Schneider on writing and editing with conversion in mind

⭐️️ Fio’s newsletter the Content Folks newsletter

⭐️️ GatherContent’s newsletter full of “content strategy goodness” 

⭐️️ Growth Machine’s free SEO course (I just signed up for this!)

⭐️️ Jimmy Daly: Creator of the Slack group Superpath (DM me and say hi!)

⭐️️ John Bonini’s newsletter Good Content on smart approaches to content

⭐️️ Kaleigh Moore’s newsletter for freelance writers

⭐️️ Katelyn Bourgoin on “why we buy”

⭐️️ Lizzie Davey: Creator of the site Freelance Magic

⭐️️ Masooma’s newsletter Content Workshop

⭐️️ Ryan Law, VP of Content and regular author at Animalz

⭐️️ Sarah Stanford’s newsletter Not Quite Content

⭐️️ Scott Kubie: A designer who writes

⭐️️ Victor Eduoh on product-led storytelling